



(Door opens suddenly, Strider draws his sword, and in comes Merry, Pippin and Sam, armed with a candelabra and a three-legged stoll)

Sam: Let him go, or I'll have you, Longshanks!

Strider: You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you. You can no longer wait for the wizard Frodo. They're coming.

(The sentry gets up at the sound of a horse grunt, walks to the door, and widens his eyes in horror as he is trampled by Ringwraiths. They ride through the muddy streets until they reach the Prancing Pony. Barliman Butterbur stays still behind the counter, nervously waiting as they pass by, swords drawn. Merry and Pippin are shown contentedly sleeping in their beds. Four occupied beds are shown and the four Nazgûl step to them, pointing swords at their centers. Sam nudges over and the wraiths all plunge their swords into the mattresses. He opens his eyes in fear as they continue to stab the beds. Their horses neigh ceaslessly outside while Strider watches them from a window across the road. One rider removes the planket and feathers whirl around. Pillows had been there. One kicks a bed over in frustration. Pippin and Merry suddenly awake, sitting up in the bed that they and Sam occupy in Strider's room. Frodo sits down and looks at Strider confusedly)

Frodo: What are they?

Strider: They were once Men- Great Kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will.

(Strider looks back out the window, observing the four mount their horses and ride off in the other direction. Then he turns back to the half-lings)

Strider: They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you.

(Scene cuts to the hobbits, Bill the Pony, and Strider walking over the hills. The four ride down a path, and then we cut back to Strider leading Bill and the others lagging behind)

Frodo: (anxiously) Where are you taking us?

Strider: (gruffly) Into the wild.

(Strider turns around a tree, observing the moss and smelling the air, leading the rest on)

Merry: (walking up to Frodo, whispering) How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?

Frodo: (also whispering) I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler.

Merry: (angrily muttering) He's foul enough.

Frodo: We have no choice but to trust him.

Sam: (whispering as well) But where is he leading us?

Strider: To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond.

Sam: (breathlessly excited) Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see the Elves.

(The five travelers are shown trying to keep dry from the snow, walking through a clearing atop a hill, then into a snowy wooded area. Strider is looking around as the hobbits are congregated around Bill, unloading pots and pans. Strider turns around)

Strider: Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall.

Pippin: What about breakfast?!

Strider: You've already had it.

Pippin: (matter-of-factly) We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

(Strider turns back around and walks past some trees)

Merry: (to Pippin) Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.

Pippin: (nervously) What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?

Merry: I wouldn't count on it.

(An apple flies from over a treetop into Merry's hands. Merry pats Pippin on the shoulder as another apple flies over and hits Pippin in the head.)

Merry: (annoyed) Pippin!

(They walk through to the edge of the snowy forest, and are then shown sloshing through a messy bog, brushing bugs away from their faces)

Merry: What do they eat when they can't get hobbit?

(Strider is shown carrying a deer over his shoulder, laying it before the half-lings after nightfall. He is humming indistinctly, smoking, as the hobbits sleep)

Frodo: Who is she?





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