unrealized exchange gain or loss unrealized exchange gain or loss怎么读,什么意思。未实现兑换损益... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 970 【经】 未实现兑换损益在线英汉词典
unrealized gross margin 未实现边际利益,递延毛利,未实...unrealized gross profit 未实现毛利...unrealized revenue 未实现收入...unrealized holding gain 未实现保有收益...unrealized capital 未实现资本...unrealized increment by appraisal of fixed assets 未实现的固定资产估价增值...unrealized income 未实现收益...unrealized increment per appraisal 未实现(资产)估价增值...unrealized profit 未实现利润...unrealized appreciation from valuation of assets 未实现资产重估增值...unrealized gains or losses 未实现损益...unrealized appreciation 未实现增值...reserve for unrealized fixed assets appreciation 固定资产未实现增值准备...reserve for unrealized increment in assets 未实现资产增价准备准备...