


a. 坏的
n. 坏
ad. 坏地
【机】 坏, 不良, 品质不佳
to have a bad time
to feel bad about sth
be in a bad way
be taken bad
to feel bad
to go from bad to worse
to go to the bad
in bad
be in bad with sb
not bad
to take the bad with the good
to make the best of a bad job
to the bad
with a bad grace


bad adj (worse, worst) 1 (a) of poor quality; below an acceptable standard; faulty 坏的; 劣质的; 不合格的; 有错的
a bad lecture, harvest 很糟的演讲、收成
bad pronunciation, eyesight 很差的发音、视力
You can´t take photographs if the light is bad. 光线不足, 就无法拍照. (b) (used with names of occupations or with ns derived from vs 与职业名称连用或与动词派生的名词连用) not competent; not able to perform satisfactorily 不能胜任的; 表现不能令人满意的
a bad teacher, hairdresser, poet, etc 滥竽充数的教师、理发师、诗人等
a bad liar, listener, etc 很差劲的说谎者、听者等
a bad loser, ie one who complainswhen he loses 没出息的失败者(失败後怨天尤人的人). 2 not morally acceptable; wicked 不道德的; 邪恶的
It´s bad to steal. 偷窃真缺德.
He led a bad life. 他曾经过著邪恶的生活. 3 unpleasant; disagreeable; unwelcome 令人不快的; 使人讨厌的; 不受欢迎的
In the recession, our firm went through a bad time. 我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛.
What bad weather we´re having! 多讨厌的天气!
He´s had some bad news
his father has died suddenly. 他得悉噩耗: 父亲突然去世.
These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell. 这些腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味. 4 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of things that are in themselves undesirable) serious; noticeable (指那些本身就要不得的东西)严重的, 显著的
a bad mistake, accident, fracture, headache 严重的错误、事故、骨折、头痛. 5 (of food) not fit to be eaten because of decay; rotting or rotten (指食物)因变质而不能食用的, 正在腐烂或已经腐烂的
bad eggs, meat, etc 腐坏的蛋、肉等
The fish will go bad if you don´t put it in the fridge. 这鱼不放入冰箱内就会腐坏. 6 [usu attrib 通常作定语] unhealthy or diseased 不健康的; 有病的: bad teeth 蛀牙
a bad back, ie one that causes pain 背部疼痛. 7 [pred 作表语] ~ for sb/sth hurtful or injurious to sb/sth 有害於某人[某事物]
Smoking is bad for you/bad for your health. 吸烟有害於你[有害於你的健康].
Too much rain is bad for the crops. 雨量过多对庄稼不利. 8 ~ (for sth/to do sth) unsuitable; difficult bad, adv (US infml 口) badly(2) 非常; 在很大程度上
That´s what I want, and I want it bad. 这就是我想要的, 而且是迫不及待要得到的.
Are you hurt bad? 你伤得厉害吗? bad n the bad [U] 1 that which is wicked, unpleasant, etc 坏的事物. 2 (idm 习语) go to the `bad become completely immoral 道德败坏; 堕落. take the ,bad with the `good accept the unwelcome aspects (of life, a situation, etc) as well as the welcome ones 好坏都看得开. to the `bad (used to describe a financial position) in debit (用以形容财务状况)亏损, 负债
I am 500 to the bad, ie I have 500 less than I had. 我负债500英镑.





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