


n. 赛跑, 流出, 运转
a. 流动的, 跑着的, 连续的
【经】 流动的, 连续的, 接连的
in running order
in the running
out of the running


running n[U] 1 action or sport of running 跑; 跑步; 赛跑
take up running 开始跑步
[attrib 作定语] running shoes 跑鞋. 2 management, maintenance or operation 管理; 经营; 维持; 操作
the day-to-day running of a shop, business, machine, country 商店的日常经营、 事务的日常料理、 机器的日常运转、 国家的日常管理
[attrib 作定语] the running costs of a car, eg of fuel, repairs, insurance 汽车的消费(如燃料费、 保养费、 保险费). 3 (idm 习语) in/out of the `running (for sth) (infml 口) having some/no chance of succeeding or achieving sth 有[无]达到或实现某目的之机会
be in the running for a management post, a company car 有可能获得管理职位、 公司的汽车. make the `running (infml 口) set the pace or standard 定步调; 带头; 做榜样
Wall Street made Friday´s running on the international stock exchange. 在国际股票交易中, 华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情.
Mike is rather timid with women, so Sue has to make all the running in their relationship. 迈克在女子面前很 腆, 所以苏珊只好对迈克主动一些. running, adj 1 [attrib 作定语] performed while running 边跑边做的; 在奔跑中完成的
a running jump, kick 跑跳步、 跑动踢球. 2 [attrib 作定语] continuous or uninterrupted 连续的; 不断的
a running battle for control of the party 为控制该党而进行的持续斗争
The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect. 警方审问嫌疑犯时提出了一连串的问题. 3 [pred 作表语] (following a numberand a pl n 用於数字及复数名词之後) in succession; consecutively 接连; 连续
win three times running 连胜三次
For the sixth day running, my car wouldn´t start. 我的汽车已连续六天发动不起来了. 4 [attrib 作定语] (of water) flowing (指水)流动的
I can hear running water. 我听见有流水的声音.
All our rooms have hot and cold running water, ie from taps. 我们所有的房间都有冷热自来水. 5 [attrib 作定语] (of sores, etc) exuding liquid or pus (指伤口等)排出液体的, 流脓的. 6 (idm 习语) in running/working order => order1. take a running `jump (a) run up to the point where one jumps 助跑起跳. (b) (sl 俚) (used as a command 用作命令语) go away 走开
I refused to lend him any more money and told him to take a running jump. 我不愿再借给他钱, 便叫他走开.





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